Thursday, 9 September 2010

The importance of following your heart

Most of us have had it drummed into us that if you ever find yourself following your heart over your head you have truly lost it. Choosing what your head says over your heart has always been the “better” option. I have to disagree. Of late I have found it to be the complete opposite. My heart has led me to make decisions that allow me to sleep well at night!! When I listen to my heart I know that it’s my higher self guiding me and that I can’t go wrong. I’m at a stage in my life where I want to respect what my heart wants and not just shut it out! I want to listen to the still, small voice inside me. The best part is that when you do listen to your heart and what it really wants, your head quietly whispers “I too think that’s the best decision” – Try it for a few days. See how it feels to let go and let God…


  1. In most cases we always have to think with our heart and not with our head ( only at school of cause).
    I too believe that is true,....decisions from the heart leave you at ease, at peace.
    Even God speaks to us through the heart, if you listen carefully you will hear that little voice, all you have to do is to trust and obey!! and you shall see His wonders......

  2. This is truly inspirational Michele and your words spoke to my heart at a time when they were very much needed........ Thanks for sharing your wisdom and your time x

  3. Glad you were able to get something from this post - and thank you for leaving a comment.

  4. <3 this funny i read this and it took back to are convos...The best and most important decisions will come from what your heart has told you...even when you do ignore it your just taking a a longer, and sometimes more painful route to were it wants you to go.

  5. I think sometimes its a balance and most of all we need to seek guidance from God, because our heart could at times lead us astray just becasue you 'love that person' or you think thats the best thing to do. i definately believe that if you have that peace then you have made the right decision, but i think we need to have the ability of discernment! Times when i might have followed my heart, but if i also listened to my head, then i would have known it wasnt the right choice to make.
