Writer, Erika Kosina, suggests that a “Tech Sabbath,” a day of rest from electronic communication, will foster our wellness. An opportunity to reconnect with what really matters in our lives. Thoreau said it best: “Live deliberately, instead of mindlessly. I encourage my grandchildren to play outdoors , to detach from the phone, and less TV. So now I am working on my own unplugging (after I finish this newsletter) and avoided shopping this Black Friday.
The Coach likes . . . what San Francisco local businesses did recently; sponsored a Tech-Free Day at a picnic which banned technology.
The Sabbath Manifesto – 10 Ways to Take a Day Off (www.techFreeDay.org)
1. Avoid technology
2. Connect with loved ones
3 Nurture your health
4. Get outside
5. Avoid commerce
6. Light candles
7. Drink wine
8. Eat bread
9. Find silence
10. Give back